*Last week Hamas Leader Khaled Mashal said: 'Women, Children and the Elderly' Must Die In Gaza To Help Our Fight Against Israel.
Israel takes every precaution to prevent civilian casualties.
Hamas has no interest in protecting the population they were elected to care for.
Actually the opposite is true.
Hamas uses the Palestinian population as human shields to maximize casualties and draw international condemnation against Israel.
Hamas has built 500KM of tunnels under Gaza, that are equipped with communication systems and weapons and food, water and supplies.
When asked by a reporter why the tunnels aren’t used for the security of Palestinian civilians, a Hamas official replied that the tunnels were built for Hamas and that the UN is responsible for the well being of the Palestinian civilians of Gaza.
Hamas sets up its military command in populated areas to guarantee civilian casualties and draw international condemnation against Israel.
Hamas has a huge multi story command center under Shifa hospital in Gaza and Israel has recently revealed evidence proving this.
Today footage was released of Hamas terrorists shooting at their own people while they were trying to escape from the hospital.
Hamas has attempted to prevent civilians from moving to the south of Gaza to areas where they have access to electricity, food, medical supplies and water.
Palestinian civilians, moving to the south of Gaza, are escorted by Israeli tanks to protect them from Hamas.
This war was forced upon us.
We must eliminate the threat of terror on our borders and restore security to Israel.
Once again I quote Golda Meir, “When the Arabs lay down their weapons, there will be no more violence. When Israel lays down their weapons there will be no more Israel.”
Remember October the 7th
Understand Israel.
Support those who love life.
Shabbat Shalom